Quantum mechanics is a probabilistic theory of the universe suggestive of a mean value theory\nsimilar to thermodynamics prior to the introduction of the atomic theory. If QM will follow a similar\npath to thermodynamics, then a local deterministic theory must be developed which matches\nQM predictions. There have been four tough barriers to a local theory of light, of which Bell�s\nTheorem has been considered the ultimate barrier. The other three barriers are explaining spontaneous\nemission, the reflection of a small fraction of light at a dielectric interface and the splitting\naction of a polarizer on polarized light (Malus� Law). The challenge is that in a local theory of light,\neverything must have a specific cause and effect. There can be nothing spontaneous or hidden.\nLocal solutions to all four of these barriers are presented in this paper, integrating results from\ntwo previous papers and adding the solution paths to the third and fourth barriers as well, which\nare nearly identical. A previous paper [1] used results from Einstein�s famous 1917 paper on stimulated\nemission to provide a deterministic local model for spontaneous emission. A second paper\n[2] showed that QM predictions in tests of Bell�s theorem could be matched with a local model\nby modifying the definition of entanglement in a manner invisible to quantum mechanics. This\npaper summarizes and extends those two results and then presents a deterministic model of reflection\nfrom a dielectric interface and transmission of polarized light through a polarizer that both\nmatch quantum mechanics. As the framework of a local theory of light emerges, it is not surprising\nthat we find corners of physics where small disagreements with quantum mechanics are predicted.\nA new Bell type test is described in this paper which can distinguish the local from the nonlocal\ntheory, giving predictions that must disagree slightly but significantly with quantum mechanics. If\nsuch experiments are proven to disagree with quantum mechanics, then the door to a local theory\nof light will be opened.